Monday, February 18, 2008

Re: City Officals

As a concerned citizen of the the great city of Memphis, I would like to express my sincere trepidation with the city entering into a deal with Bass Pro Shops. When compared side by side it seems the Pyramid Harbor deal should be Plan A while the Bass Pro deal should be the alternative. If you have the time, please take a look at these two links:

The first site is dedicated to the Pyramid Harbor deal and details every aspect of the plan. The site also shows renderings, financial information and list partnering agencies. The second site is a link to the most recent mention Bass Pro has made in regard to its plans for the Pyramid. This is a press release nearly 2 years old.
The critics say the Pyramid Harbor plan lacks organization and viable financing options. However, if you look at you will see a list of partners that include Prosperity International ( Prosperity International's web site lists numerous projects both completed and in progress that are comparable in both cost and project size to that of the proposed Pyramid Harbor plan. Bass Pro has no public information regarding the deal and has given the taxpayers of Memphis and Shelby County no reason to believe there is any committment to the city.

Please take into account your respective constituencies when making decisions regarding the future of this city. If there are advantages to the Bass Pro deal that I am not aware of then, by all means, let me know. However, as it stands, it seems a no-brainer to show Bass Pro the door and open the floor for better offers, including that of the Pyramid Harbor Plan.

Here is a list of email addresses where you can voice your concerns to your respective city officals:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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